The books that changed me, or should I say perhaps, developed my understanding… Heavens, so many, but let me take a stab at it. As a child I read The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett in which an obnoxious orphan Mary Lennox arrives to live with her uncle at Misselthwaite Manor in Yorkshire. Archibald Craven locked the door leading …
Tag: Milly Adams
Jul 09
Love On The Waterways By Milly Adams Book Review
Reading a Milly Adams novel is like having the perfect cup of tea on the sofa and talking to a friend. It is comforting, entertaining, and you always learn something new. The second novel in the Waterway girls series is as good as the first. I raced through it and loved every word. Get yourself …
May 18
Book of The Month: Love on the Waterways By Milly Adams
New to Frost is the Book of The Month. We review a lot of books at Frost so picking one will be hard but we do not mind. It is our job to bring the best to our readers. The first ever book of the month is the latest from Milly Adams. The second book in …
Sep 14
The Waterway Girls by Milly Adams
I’m always delighted when the latest novel from Milly Adams arrives on my desk and happy to say her latest, The Waterway Girls, did not disappoint. More than that, I discovered that this is the start of a series which follows the unsung heroes who spent the war on the canals. It is October, 1943 …
Jun 15
At Long Last Love By Milly Adams Review
Milly Adams has quite a few books under her belt now and they just keep getting better. She mixes a great talent for fiction writing with a historians gift of facts, weaving the talent and the knowledge together to make the most enjoyable, and readable, war fiction out there. I almost read At …
Oct 31
Sisters At War by Milly Adams Book Review
This is Frost Magazine’s must read book of the moment. Milky Adam’s Sisters At War. #books #goodreads #historicalfiction #reading A photo posted by Catherine Balavage (@frostmag) on Oct 10, 2016 at 4:41am PDT Sisters At War is the second book by Milly Adams and it is yet another brilliant piece of historical fiction. Sisters at …
Oct 06
Sisters at War by Milly Adams
Sisters at War is a wonderful, life-affirming story, every page filled with warmth and generosity for the characters. It left me feeling uplifted and hopeful that the good in people will always shine through. It usually does, no matter what we may see or hear in the news. It reminded me of all those lovely …
Dec 20
Above Us The Sky by Milly Adams Book Review
Milly Adams is an exciting new author, with a wonderful knack of bringing characters to life vividly and bringing the story off the page and into the imagination. Above Us The Sky is a brilliantly researched, and hugely enjoyable novel. Sad in places but ultimately uplifting, this book is set in wartime Britain. Phyllie, a …
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