The importance of social media training was highlighted by Labour MP Emily Thornberry tweeting a picture that many found condescending and classist. Many people tweet without thinking and those in a position of power routinely get themselves into trouble because of this. Reputation is everything in business and it can be destroyed with a single …
Tag: MP
Nov 11
Only 2% of Britons Know How Rich They Really Are
We are not sure if you saw Channel 4’s How Rich Are You Show last night but it was interesting. Take the quiz and find out how rich or poor you are below. The poll is also an eye-opener. In a new poll commissioned by Channel 4, people in the UK were asked to guess …
Nov 08
Rally For The Rainforest At Online Celebrity Auction
Want to shop and do good? Of course you do. ‘The 12 Days of Christmas’, the RFUK’s fabulous and exclusive public auction of one-off gifts donated by celebrities, luxury labels and esteemed Foundation friends, returns for a fourth year. Open to everyone through an RFUK pop-up shop on eBay, the 12 day auction, running from …
Nov 20
David Cameron Sacks Green Envoy Zac Goldsmith in 'Petty and Vindictive' Move.
It is rare to meet a politician with integrity, who keeps their word, and it seems Zac Goldsmith has paid the price for keeping to his. Prime Minister David Cameron has been accused of being ‘petty and vindictive’ after the Tory MP for Richmond Park had a key Government job taken away from him after …
Nov 14
Glenn Mulcaire May Have Hacked For Other Papers.
Glenn Mulcaire’s notebooks have been making waves today as the phone hacking inquiry rumbles on. Twenty-eight News International employees are named in a notebook. The notebook also has a references to The Sun and Daily Mirror, which suggest that phone hacking may have happened at other papers. Robert Jay QC, counsel to the inquiry, said …
Oct 17
Community-Upon-Thames: Bringing People Together
Community-upon-Thames is a not-for-profit social enterprise, set up and run by Ben Mallet and Maundy Todd. Frost was incredibly impressed by the difference they are making to people’s lives in Kingston and Richmond, so we went to their offices to find out more. Frost: Tell me about Community-upon-Thames. Ben: Community-upon-Thames was founded in the New …
Nov 23
Catch 21 Productions political interview: Zac Goldsmith
Here at Frost we think that great minds think alike. Which is why we were excited to come across Catch 21 productions. Catch 21 is a charitable production company which produces videos, events and programmes to help engage young people with politics Something Frost is also trying to do. They recently interviewed a number …