Tag: music reviews

Milk Maid – Mostly No | Music Review

As the late, great Mark Twain once said, “plain question and plain answer make the shortest road out of most perplexities”. On listening to Milk Maid’s 2nd album, ‘Mostly No’, it becomes abundantly obvious that chief protagonist Martin Coren is a subscriber to the school of though that simplicity is often the best path to …

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Dicepeople: It Gets Darker

‘It Gets Darker’ is the second album from London-based electronica artist Dicepeople. Frost loved their first album, ‘Time to Play’and this one is just as good. Dicepeople are stunningly original and wonderfully delicious. A great band who should break through into the mainstream in 2012. The album will be released on 28 October 2011 on …

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Frost Magazine