Tag: music video

Beyoncé 7/11 Music Video | Watch Now

We love Beyoncé’s new homemade 7/11 Music Video. It is fun and parred back. Check out the delightful video below. What do you think?    

Nicki Minaj Anaconda Music Video | Watch Now

Nicki Minaj’s Anaconda music video is here and it is crazy, colour and controversial as ever. It has had a mixed reaction but she looks stunning and is a great example that not everyone needs to be thin to be beautiful. This is another fun slice of hip hop pop. What do you think?

Katy Perry This Is How We Do Music Video | Watch

Some fun for a dreary Monday. The video for Katy Perry’s new single This Is How We Do. This is the most recent release from her new album Prism. It is pretty wacky and out there. Let us know what you think.

Beyoncé Releases Visual Album

With the secret release of Beyoncé’s self titled visual album today, Queen Bey is the woman that everyone is taking about. Get Beyoncé’s music video looks from Soft Paris, as featured in ‘Jealous’ and ‘Haunted’. Beyonce released her new album which went straight to iTunes without warning in the middle of the night. She announced …

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Cap Gun Collective director Tom Haines hops a train with the Civil Wars

We have some behind-the-scenes from Award-winning commercial production company Cap Gun Collective with details from director Tom Haines newest project: the music video for the Civil Wars’ “The One That Got Away.” This cinematic video debuted on YouTube on August 7, featuring the debut single from the Grammy-winning group’s brand new, self-titled Sensibility Recordings/Columbia Records …

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SONG ALSO SET TO APPEAR AS SOUNDTRACK FOR NEW SHORT FILM BY JAGUAR AND RIDLEY SCOTT ASSOCIATES Frost Magazine favourite, Lana Del Rey is back with a new song. Known for her brilliant music videos, this one does not disappoint. Brit and Ivor Novello award winner Lana Del Rey today released the video for ‘Burning …

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How Does That Song Go?

Frost Magazine have come across a useful music resource. Zlyrics have come up with a comprehensive online lyrics resource featuring over 700,000 lyrics from over 30,000 artists. It took them months to gather all the lyrics data along with the music video of every track. The lyrics submitted by users at Zlyrics are then double …

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Monks of Mellonwah | Music Profile

Band: Monks of Mellonwah Location: Sydney, NSW Members: Will Maher (vocals), Joe de la Hoyde (backing vocals/guitar), John de la Hoyde (bass), Josh Baissari (drums) CD: “Neurogenesis” EP (Advance release May 24, 2012) Production: Jeff Bova (Michael Jackson, Billy Joel), Ryan Miller (John Frusciante, Flea), Howie Weinberg (Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins, RHCP) Websites: www.monksofmellonwah.com, www.facebook.com/monksofmellonwah, www.twitter.com/monksofmellonwah …

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Frost Magazine