Tag: nhs

5 Things That Helped Me Get Fit & Healthy | Wellness

health, wellness, lose weight, women's health, wellness, Catherine Balavage, fit, fruit, strawberries, blueberries, spinach, tomatoes,

When someone decides to go on a health kick there is usually a reason why. A health scare, a baby on the way, or maybe seeing a picture of themselves and thinking they need to lose a few pounds. My first health kick started when I was trying to get pregnant with my firstborn four …

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Exclusive: Paddy Ashdown On Clegg, The Tories, The Liberal Democrats & The NHS

Part two of our Interview with Paddy Ashdown. Here he talks about politics. Part three will be up tomorrow. Let us know what you think. Part one, where he talks about writing and his books,  is here. Do you mind if I ask you some political questions as well? No, go on. Would you prefer …

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Funding Initiative aims to Provide all UK Neonatal Units With Personalised Video

Personalised video specialists, vCreate, today announce a new funding initiative aimed at ensuring that all 200 UK neonatal networks are equipped with personalised video by 2018. According to Bliss, the UK’s special care baby charity; over 90,000 babies are admitted to neonatal care in the UK because they have either been born prematurely, or full term …

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GransThread Jan Speedie Talks About Her New Phase

Jan Speedie: Surrey Reviews Editor

Retirement is entering a completely new phase of life; I am not going to say final phase. I have to admit when faced with retirement after 30 years working in the NHS I was worried what life would bring  – daytime TV, expanding waist line with too many coffee and biscuits, aches and pains of a …

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30 Days of Gratitude Day Fourteen #30daysofgratitude

Today I am grateful for the greatest of all British things: the NHS. The National Health Service is one of the greatest things in Britain, no, the world. Full of hard working people and funded by taxpayers because healthcare is a basic human right. I dread to think how much I have cost the NHS …

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Do Medicines Cost Too Much? By Dr Kathleen Thompson

The UK Cancer Drug Fund, which funds non-NHS cancer treatments, has removed twenty-five drugs off its list recently, to combat a £100 million (and rising) overspend. This highlights a recurring dilemma of modern healthcare. Medical science is advancing with cosmic speed. Patients with desperate diseases have new hope. Genetic advances allow personalised medicine for enhanced …

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One-Armed Man Builds Prosthetic Arm so He Can Pilot a Plane | Inspirational Stories

By Barry Smyth A one-armed man whose missing limb was severed from the shoulder in a freak biking accident has invented a prosthetic replacement which will allow him to fly a plane. Steven Robinson’s right arm was torn off by another rider’s footpeg during a collision over 30 years ago, and attempts to rebuild his …

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How To Delay The Menopause

According to the NHS, the most common age for menopause to start is 51 – which is when we start to experience symptoms; aching joints, depression, lack of energy, lack of libido, weight gain, concentration problems, headaches and, most commonly, hot flushes and night sweats. Although the onset of menopause is strongly influenced by our …

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