NOMI Cold Brew Coffee

So summer is finally here and it’s time to start indulging in a refreshingly cool beverage but we think you should reconsider that Frappucinno guys because Cold Brew Coffee is making a stand and we’re going to tell you all the reasons you should swap your regular iced coffee for a cold brew instead.

What is cold brew I hear you say…?

Unlike many iced coffees which are brewed hot and poured over ice, cold brew is well… brewed cold for more than 16 hours and then filtered. We think that is serious commitment to coffee and whats more, the process of cold brewing ensures a less acidic, naturally sweet coffee no added sugars and no nasties. Take note when you’re looking for a cold coffee which won’t insult you with a sugar rush.


We recommend NOMI’s range of fantastic Cold Brew Coffee with a range of 3 fantastic bottled brews to try from inspired by founder, Kieran Goodacre, and his discovery of cold brew coffees in Japan.

NOMI Tokyo (Black)

NOMI Tokyo Black – Standard

NOMI Kyoto Iced – with milk

NOMI Osaka Almond

Boxed Subscription-2

What’s more if you’re thinking about ditching the coffee machine for a longer term Cold Brew option, NOMI have got it covered. Subscribers to the site can enjoy a box of freshly prepared Cold Brew Coffee Concentrate which can be delivered straight to your office or home.

Our verdict is that NOMI is refreshing, subtle and versatile. Perfect for mixing in with cocktails and if you really do miss the warming comfort of a hot coffee, add hot water and Bob’s your uncle.

NOMI coffee is available by the box via their website

Individual bottles available in a range of café’s and deli’s across the country.