Every band that’s ever made the leap up from from toiling round in the back of a van playing to one man and his dog will have you believe that it took years of hard work to make it. Flats would tell you otherwise. Having only formed in February 2010 they signed with the superb One Little Indian record label, home to Björk, in March 2011, having taken the live scene by storm. The band exploded onto the scene in 2010 and their infuriated-punk sound was a breath a fresh air – think Discharge having a fight outside a kebab shop with Black Flag.
“Better Living” is the band’s debut album and it’s not a bad way to start. Known for their quick live shows, often coming in under 15 minutes, this doesn’t go much further at just under 35 minutes. It’s a short sharp shock of metal, of stoner rock, of punk, of sludge. It’s not an easy listen and certainly not to your mother’s liking but it’s brilliant and worthy of praise. Short, sharp, shocking and often brutal, this record will annoy your neighbours, even if you don’t have neighbours. If you like Black Sabbath, Napalm Death and Anthrax then this one’s for you, if not then keep walking, there’s nothing to see here.
“Better Living” is released on 7th May via One Little Indian. Cath them on tour in the UK throughout May.