Tag: Perfect Timing by Own Nicholls.

Top Books of 2021: A List of Brilliance.

top books of 2021

It’s that time of year where I try to whittle down all of the amazing books I have read into a short(ish) list. Each one is an essential read. So here goes… Shiver by Allie Reynolds. The Serial Killer’s wife by Alice Hunter. Ahead of Her Time by Judy Piatkus. The Garfield Conspiracy by Owen …

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Autumn’s Top Books

perfect timing novel

The Lost by Simon Beckett. A brilliant and terrifying thriller. I could not put this down. Beautifully observed and tightly wound. Unmissable. I don’t normally read books about missing children but I loved this. You won’t see the twists coming.  A MISSING CHILD Ten years ago, the disappearance of firearms police officer Jonah Colley’s young son …

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Frost Magazine