Tag: Phones

Dame Zandra Rhodes Leads the Charge for a Stylish Spring Clean

recycling, electrics, electrical, phones, toaster, Zandra Rhodes,

The much-loved British fashion icon has created an exclusive print for Recycle Your Electricals. The campaign aims to get UK households to stop throwing away or hoarding their small old electricals and start doing something useful with them, like donating or recycling them. The print appears on an ethically sourced, organic cotton tote bag featuring …

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The Ultimate Guide To Clearing Your Clutter

Last year I became quite obsessed with decluttering. In fact, thanks to Marie Kondo I think we all did. I have never liked being surrounded by a lot of stuff. I have always hated clutter. Which is why I am feeling rather proud. My husband and I have got rid of thousands of things. There …

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Debrett’s Reveal The Questions They’re Most Frequently Asked

Debrett’s have revealed the questions they are most frequently asked by the public.  The list, which covers everything from social kissing to mobile phone use, provides a revealing insight into the social anxiety people experience in behaviour for everyday situations. We may no longer live in the structured world of ‘Downtown Abbey’, but it’s clear …

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The Best Smartphones For Your Online Fun

Mobile phones are so much more than just communicative devices these days. With Wi-FI available everywhere from cafés to high streets, not to mention the rise of 4G internet, more than ever we’re using these little gadgets to get online.   If you’re a little behind on the times when it comes to picking a …

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Mobile Etiquette

The mobile phone can be our closest ally at times, helping us make our lives easier and our days more efficient, these obvious advantages do not come without their drawbacks – many of which highlight the negative impact they can have on our society. Recent research has uncovered the surprising truth; that although the majority …

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Blackberry Torch and OS 6 {Gadgets}

Possibly one of the most humourous things in life is watching a friend repeatedly jab an ordinary phone screen with a perplexed look on their face. This simple joy has now been stolen from me as Blackberry have announced their first phone which has both a touchscreen and a keyboard. Named the BlackBerry Torch, it will …

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Preview; Blackberry OS 6

Blackberry makers Rim have released a video revealing their new Blackberry operating system “OS 6”. I’ve tried to gather as much information from the video as possible but I’ve had to mute it as too much “boom, boom, pow” could probably hypnotise you. If it doesn’t then they’ve recruited gyrating, guesturing and tie straightening dancers to finish the job.  …

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Frost Magazine