By Patrick Holford, Food for the Brain Preventing Alzheimer’s is easy, but it is being ignored! Everybody wants a cure for Alzheimer’s. The medical industry has spent around $100 billion searching for one and, so far, come up relatively empty-handed with over thirty failed drug trials. Yet a simple to administer, cheap test could predict …
Tag: prevention
Dec 04
Herpatch Prevention Stick: New cold sore prevention balm hits the UK
24 per cent of cold sore sufferers are convinced that everyone is looking at them when they have a cold sore blister. Nearly half of those who suffer with cold sores admit they feel embarrassed when they develop a ‘fever blister’. A fifth of those surveyed (19 per cent) revealed that they …
Aug 18
Norm MacDonald’s Touching Tribute To Robin Williams
Robin Williams’ death left a world in mourning like no other celebrity before him. The laughter and joy he brought to people in childhood and beyond made him an international treasure. One of the most touching tributes I saw was from Norm MacDonald, I am not embarrassed to say that it even made …