Tag: Radio Times

Immediate Media Co Partners With Leading Independent Publisher Network Handpicked Media

Exciting news in publishing: Handpicked Media, whose independent publishing platform Frost Magazine is proudly part of, has teamed up with Immediate Media. The press release is below and we are very excited.  Immediate Media Co, the special interest content and platform company,  announces a partnership with Handpicked Media to provide sales agency support for the …

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Ricky Gervais: Women Are Treated Like Props In Film & TV

  Ricky Gervais has hit out at the way women are treated in the entertainment industry in an interview with the Radio Times. He said that he loves to write complex female characters “because usually they’re props, particularly in comedy”. “Even in Hollywood, they’re usually air heads or if they’re ambitious they’re straight away cold …

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Downton Abbey Star: Its Harder For Working Class Actors

Downton Abbey star Rob James-Collier has said that it is harder for working class actors to make it as they don’t have the “comfort blanket” of wealth. The actor, who plays Thomas the footman in the hit period drama, said the early years of acting are like any other profession with the middle-class and privileged …

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Has Hollywood Gone Potty for Limeys? How the Brits Conquered Hollywood.

A few weeks ago I attended a fantastic industry networking event in Manchester. Among the exhibitors was Industry Hollywood, a company whose sole aim is to help British actors to grow their exposure across the pond. They told me that UK talent is in real demand over in the “Land of the Free”. So this …

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