Tag: real life

Anatomy of a Miracle: A Novel* By Jonathan Miles | Recommended Reads

This imaginative book may be a new genre: a real life novel. About real life US army veteran Cameron Harris and how he miraculously learned how to walk again. Original and gripping.  A profound new novel about a paralyzed young man’s unexplainable recovery—a stunning exploration of faith, science, mystery, and the meaning of life   …

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A Day In The Life of Paul Vates

I am an actor and writer. No two days are the same. That’s part of the lifestyle I accept and face-up to. Most people, I am sure, abhor routine, but I strive to find little routines amidst the randomness. Take yesterday, for example. I was up with the lark – well, the chattering gang of …

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Managing MIL: You And Your Mother-in-Law – For Better, Or For Worse? Book Review

This book starts off with a joke: “My mother-in-law fell down a wishing well. I was amazed; I never knew they worked.” Les Dawson, this joke highlights that, traditionally, it is men that have problems with their mother-in-law. However there has been a rise in women clashing with theirs, and a number of my friends …

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Kristen Stewart Takes British Glamour Cover, Robert Pattinson

Kristen Stewart is the cover star of British Glamour’s December 2011 issue. She looks amazing and talks of her love of ‘everything’ British inside, including, ahem, the men, as she finally admits to dating Robert Pattinson. Stewart reveals that the Twilight sex scene between her and real life boyfriend Robert was so steamy it initially …

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