Tag: recycling

NEO WTR: Sip Sustainably, Transform Communities, and Protect Our Oceans

NEO WTR is a brand-new bottled water drink that helps thirsty people drink sustainably on the go while transforming coastal communities worldwide. NEO WTR, sourced from a pristine British spring in the Mendip Hills, marks a European milestone: it is the first drink to be found in 100% Prevented Ocean Plastic™ drinks packaging meaning that …

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Dame Zandra Rhodes Leads the Charge for a Stylish Spring Clean

recycling, electrics, electrical, phones, toaster, Zandra Rhodes,

The much-loved British fashion icon has created an exclusive print for Recycle Your Electricals. The campaign aims to get UK households to stop throwing away or hoarding their small old electricals and start doing something useful with them, like donating or recycling them. The print appears on an ethically sourced, organic cotton tote bag featuring …

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Millions of Brits admit to ignoring environmental concerns to make their lives easier

At Frost we try to be as environmentally friendly as possible. Nobody is perfect however. Here are the things Brits try to do but end up ignoring. Come on everyone, I think we can do a little bit better.   Top 20 things Brits do because it’s more convenient than being green 1. Buy new …

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Terracycle Leads the Way in Tackling Recyclable Food Packaging

With concerns about the state of our environment continuing to grow, businesses and individuals around the globe are looking to reduce their carbon footprint and minimise the waste they generate in their daily production routines. With this in mind, American start-up Terracycle was launched back in 2002 by 19-year-old American student Tom Szaky and spread …

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Top 4 Ways You Can Make a Difference by Recycling

You already know the reliable clink and clack of a bottle thrown into a recycling bin, but do you know the environmental impact? It’s hard to talk trash without getting down and dirty. Waste has real and lasting effects on the environment, but so can you. Here are the top four ways you can make a …

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Vivienne Westwood is Virgin Atlantic’s New Uniform Designer

Iconic and controversial British designer Vivienne Westwood has been announced as the new designer of Virgin Atlantic’s iconic red uniform. The collaboration between the two British brands is a long-term partnership which will see a total re-design of the uniform across all areas. With original design and sustainability being vital factors to both Richard Branson …

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An Alternative To Ebay?

Ebay may have a stonghold, but now there are other ways to turn your old CDs, DVDs and games into cash. TurnIntoCash.com is a new, free to use website that allows users to get cash for old unwanted discs without the hassle of an auction. The Manchester-based company was founded by Rob Fox and Pete …

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The Londoner Life Part 2 October {Opinions}

The Londoners Life – October – By Phil Ryan If there’s one thing that vexes the average Londoner it’s the state of public transport. Mainly because it doesn’t actually work often. It sort of nearly functions. I marvel at the regular announcements on the Underground. Today we have a good service. Two things always strike …

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