Rock & Roll 1954 – Alive & Kickin`

With popular rock and roll music rapidly running out of ideas for new twists and turns to which – let’s face it – was, and still is, a very basic American art form, I say, why bother changing something that’s not for changing anyway?

Great Rock and Roll music, if played and sung right from the soul, can – and indeed will – change the way we feel about almost any subject in life. But its basic function is to make us feel fabulous inside!

I have been a professional musician for over 30 years, working with some great artists. Most of them are huge music fans and it will surprise a few people to find how eclectic most working musicians are in taste and the ways you can find alternate routes into real established artists such as Dylan , Springsteen, and even Elvis himself.

The King alone has a recorded legacy bordering on over 900 sessions, all of which are now easy to access and show another world of rock and roll music – right back to its mid-50’s infancy. But I’m going to try to present some new contemporary bands / singers that still have that same depth or outburst from the soul that all great artists from the 50s , 60, 70s seemed to possess with sheer out the blue inspiration. We’ll call it  EARS TO HEAR`.


(Stratocaster pic by Vinicius de Carvalho Venâncio courtesy of