Tag: seb morgan

3 Simple (and some) Steps to Fat Loss

  3 Steps (and some) to successfully lose body fat Hi everyone I hope you are all doing well and have been enjoying the sun and rain. I see a lot of people are counting down the weeks until summer and are starting to “Workout” to get in shape for summer. Thats great. I am …

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Healthy Pepper And Tomato Soup

Hey Guys So the cold nights are still here. So here’s something hot, sexy and simple……NO not me. But my red bell pepper and tomato soup that only takes a few easy steps to follow. This will warm even the coldest of hearts and the bits bits are not only is it simple to make …

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We Are StrongFirst

FOR THE RELENTLESS PURSUIT OF EXCELLENCE   So as i write this, I am sitting on the floor in a sweltering room. No matter what I do I just can’t seem to cool down, ye I could go outside but isn’t that where the sun is?   It doesn’t matter, I just needed to come …

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Seb Morgan’s Fitness Column, I’M BACK

          Hey All Well here I go. Sorry I’d gone, but I’m back. Well hello faithful Frost magazine readers. Most of you won’t know me, thats my fault. Last year Catherine accepted me as Frost’s very own health and fitness columnist. I did write some articles, that I am proud of …

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Seb Morgan’s Fitness Column: What’s your excuse?

WHAT’S YOU’RE EXCUSE? I’m too weak, too slow, too big. I ate too much for breakfast, I got a headache, its raining, my dog is sick I can’t right now. I’m not inspired, it makes me sweat, it makes me smell bad, I’m allergic to stuff, I’m fat, I’m thin, its too hot, I’m not …

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Let’s talk about fat baby.

I bet your entire years wages that if I asked you what fat was, you would say “It’s that horrible blubber around my belly, waist, hips and legs. The stuff that causes heart disease, the stuff that makes us unfit and unattractive and certainly what makes people look at me horribly and call me names”. …

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Frost Magazine