Tag: Self Love

When I Loved Myself Enough: Inspiring words to help you find happiness and joy

I really loved When I Loved Myself Enough. We live in a world where too many people are struggling to love themselves. Not everyone is good at knowing their own self worth. This book has a lot of beautiful collections of wisdom which make you really think. A brilliant book which should be kept to …

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5 Ways To Be Good To Yourself

Life can be tough sometimes and kindness goes a long way. Sometimes no one is tougher on me than myself, which got me thinking: it is time we all started being kinder to ourselves. We live in a world where doing something for yourself is often thought of as selfish, but it is not. Since becoming …

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Dr David R Hamilton… Self Love at BAFTA

On Sunday 6th July 2014, I was at BAFTA waiting to see Dr David R Hamilton (PhD), not really knowing what to expect and thought how many people would be either Watching Wimbledon, or getting their BBQ ready for some Sunday lunch. As I look around at the audience, it is evident there is a …

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