Tag: Sisters at War

Sisters At War by Milly Adams Book Review

sisters at war book review Milly adams

This is Frost Magazine’s must read book of the moment. Milky Adam’s Sisters At War. #books #goodreads #historicalfiction #reading A photo posted by Catherine Balavage (@frostmag) on Oct 10, 2016 at 4:41am PDT Sisters At War is the second book by Milly Adams and it is yet another brilliant piece of historical fiction. Sisters at …

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Sisters at War by Milly Adams

Sisters at War is a wonderful, life-affirming story, every page filled with warmth and generosity for the characters.  It left me feeling uplifted and hopeful that the good in people will always shine through. It usually does, no matter what we may see or hear in the news. It reminded me of all those lovely …

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Frost Magazine