More children starting school with poor speech and language skills – Practical tips for parents

Children need all of the support they can get. Especially after COVID. A new survey of UK teachers reveals a rise in pupils starting school with poor speech and language skills since the pandemic.

Commissioned by assessment provider GL Assessments, the poll of 1,000 teachers found that nearly half of primary teachers estimate up to one in five of their pupils struggle with speech and language. These difficulties often become apparent when children start school (48%) or even earlier (33%). 

Many teachers report that speech and language issues are frequently mistaken for reading and maths difficulties (46%) or misidentified as behavioural problems (27%). Additionally, 44% of primary school teachers say up to a fifth of their pupils struggle to communicate at an age-appropriate level, while 37% believe the issue affects as many as two in five pupils.

A significant 76% of teachers feel parents often deny or overlook these challenges. However, there are practical strategies parents can use to support their child’s language development.

Below, Cristina Miguelez, Spokesperson at online language learning platform Preply offer key tips to help parents support their child’s speech and communication skills at home:  

1. Read together and discuss the story

Reading books with your child is integral to develop their literacy skills and understanding of language. Furthermore, discussing the books you read together can positively impact their communication skills. 

It encourages them to express their opinions and enhances their ability to recall details, improving their overall understanding of language and communication. Keep their favourite books within easy reach so they can revisit them, reinforcing their memory and comprehension.

2. Reflect on the day’s activities

Another effective way to support your child’s language development is to regularly discuss their day and the activities they’ve engaged in. For instance, ask them about their school day or, if you’ve taken them to the park, encourage them to share their favourite part of the experience. 

Like discussing books, this helps children understand how to use language effectively and communicate their thoughts more clearly.

3. Engage in conversations about TV shows

If your child enjoys watching children’s television, discussing what they watch can significantly enhance their language skills.

Educational programmes are particularly beneficial, as they introduce new vocabulary and concepts. Engaging your child in conversations about these shows can deepen their understanding and reinforce language learning.

4. Use comments instead of questions

While asking children questions is important, too many can feel like a test. Instead, focus on making conversations more natural. Comment on what they are doing and what is happening around them rather than constantly quizzing them.

This approach helps children feel more relaxed and comfortable when communicating, making it easier for them to process and respond to language. 

5. Turn everyday moments into learning opportunities

Daily routines can be powerful tools for language development. Activities such as cooking, shopping, or getting dressed provide opportunities to introduce new words and encourage conversation.

For example, while preparing a meal, talk about the ingredients, describe their colours and textures, and explain the cooking process. These simple, everyday interactions can significantly enhance a child’s vocabulary and understanding of language.

New Parenting Book to Get Kids Talking

A new, illustrated, hardboard book has been launched to aid and develop children’s speech.  Published by Little Frog Media, DeeDee and DanDan’s Busy Day is an interactive reading book that has been written by parents of a late talking child.

books to help children with their speech, speech therapy, interactive reading, deedee and dandan's busy day,

Following extensive research into how best to support and encourage their son’s vocabulary, Aneta and Mariusz Wojcik established that reading to their son Daniel was the ultimate way to help, but they still weren’t getting the results they were anticipating.


After speaking with a friend who studied English literature, they quickly understood that the problem wasn’t what they were reading but the frequency and how they were reading with their son.  The couple learnt that making a story interactive and engaging for a child assists vocabulary retention and they started tounderstand the importance of word repetition in different, yet similar, sentences.


They began to use these methods across a range of recommended books but never came across a publication that allowed them to deliver all they had learnt.  After seeing Daniel’s use of words grow through the techniques they were applying, Aneta and Mariusz decided to write their own book, which encompassed their learnings and knowledge to help other families.


Mariusz said: “Our eldest son was a bright two-year-old, but we knew his speech development was behind.  We understand that all children progress at different rates, but we were concerned and knew intervention was needed.  Mywife and I both studied mathematics, so we are natural investigators and wanted to absorb as much knowledge as possible to try to help our son.


“As we gained proof that our various techniques were working, we applied the formula and logic to every book we read with Daniel.  There was still a gap in the market though for a book which teaches parents all the elements they need to help aid their child’s speech development – so we decided to write one.


“The book gives you everything in one place, so you don’t need to think after a long day.  And with 38 pages and thousands of possibilities, no two reads are the same and the book grows with your child.  It also helps a child to build confidence and start actively asking questions. It is our hope that other families can now benefit from what we learned and, with the help of the book, can overcome any worries while supporting their own child’s speech development.”

‘I loved this book and so did my children. It is so well done and gets children interested. I cannot recommend it enough,’ Catherine Balavage, editor. 

Dee Dee and Dan Dan’s Busy day is priced at £9.99 and is available from Amazon and



New Book Explores Early Language Development

 Early Language Development, babies, toddlerCommunication and speech in the early years is important and this great book gives plenty of tips and information on how to get the most from children. It has great information from recent studies and experts. Perfect for parents, teachers, or anyone else who works with young children. We highly recommend this book. 

New Pre-school Learning Alliance publication Early Language Development explores research techniques into communication development in very young babies, and even the developing foetus.

Language development represents a massive leap in learning over a relatively short period of time; from no discernible language at birth to functional verbal conversations by the age of three.

Researchers have plotted the course of children’s communication development from birth to adulthood so that we have a clear idea of what typical development looks like, however we still know little about how babies take their first steps towards language learning, and how the brain begins to adapt from what seems like a ‘blank slate’ at birth to an organ capable of processing the complexities of spoken language.

In recent times, research techniques have been developed which allow us new and sometimes surprising insights into communication development in very young babies, and even the developing foetus. This book uses these findings to provide what is perhaps a less familiar perspective on language development, and to reflect on how new research findings can inform how we support language learning.

Early Language Development considers babies’ first steps in language learning and explores the music of language, which includes the use of pitch, rhythm and intonation, on their journey to access the structure and meaning of the languages they are exposed to.

Interaction with adults and other babies is looked at as they move from adult initiated exchanges to their own attempts to begin a ‘conversation’. It will support parents to develop an understanding of some of the complexities of learning language and to use this knowledge to reflect on and identify ways in which babies’ and toddlers’ language development can best be supported within early years settings. The impact of high exposure of screen-based technology on language development is also scrutinised, with guidance on what action practitioners can take to minimise any detrimental effects.

Michael Freeston, quality improvement director, Pre-school Learning Alliance, said, ‘Communication and language is one of the most important aspects of learning; in its own right and also as a foundation for children to develop in all other areas.’


Early Language Development (Price for Alliance members: £11.55; Price for non-members: £16.50)

How to order:


T: 0300 330 0996




  • The Pre-school Learning Alliance is the largest and most representative early years membership organisation in England. A registered educational charity, it also provides high-quality affordable childcare and education to support children and families in areas of deprivation throughout the country.
  • The Alliance represents 14,000 member settings and supports them to deliver care and learning to more than 800,000 families every year. We deliver family learning projects, offer information and advice, produce specialist publications, run acclaimed training and accreditation schemes and campaign to influence early years policy and practice.

Angelina Jolie Gives Inspiring Speech In First Post Surgery Appearance | Video

Angelina Jolie Gives Inspiring Speech In First Post Surgery Appearance, angelina jolie, daughters, speech, surgeryFirstly, if you have not read Angelina Jolie’s moving account of her latest preventative cancer surgery then you should. Two years after having her breasts removed she had her ovaries and fallopian tubes removed and has since gone into menopause. Read her moving account here. In her first appearance since writing the piece for the New York Times she gave a heartfelt speech telling the audience at the Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Awards that it is okay to be different.

Jolie said: ‘Different is good. So, don’t fit. Don’t ever try to be less than what you are, and when someone tells you that you are different, smile and hold your head up high and be proud.’

Jolie made the speech after winning the Favourite Villain award for her role in Maleficent. She attended the awards with her gorgeous daughters Zahara and Shiloh, melting hearts everywhere as her daughters screamed and hugged their mother. Watch the video below.

Do you find Jolie inspirational?



Emma Watson Speech for HeForShe IMPACT 10x10x10

She used to just be that annoying character in Harry Potter but now Emma Watson has a brand new bag: standing up for gender equality as a UN Women Goodwill Ambassador. Here is her speech for HeForShe IMPACT 10x10x10 Program at the World Economic Forum 2015. It is another great speech and it will hopefully make a difference.

UN Women Goodwill Ambassador, Emma Watson, delivered another speech encouraging world and corporate leaders to take action for gender equality during the kickoff of a HeForShe program launch at the World Economic Forum at Davos on January 23rd, 2015.

Emma WatsonReady to take action? Make your commitment at

What do you think?



Angelina Jolie Receives The Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award | Video

We love this gif from

We love this gif from

Frost favourite Angelina Jolie became the youngest ever winner of the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award in an emotional night on Saturday. She flew in from Australia, where she is directing Unbroken, to receive the award.

She took along fiancee Brad Pitt and her, now scarily grown up, son Maddox. I remember him when he was just a toddler. Yikes!

She made an emotional tribute to her family, saying: “My love. Your support and your guidance make everything I do possible.”

“I’m not going to cry, I promise,” Jolie said to Maddox from the stage. “I’m not going to embarrass you. You and your brothers and sisters are my happiness and there is no greater honor in this world than being your mom.”

“I will do as my mother asked and I will do the best I can with this life to be of use, and to stand here today means I did as she asked and if she were alive she’d be very proud, so thank you.”

Do you find Angelina Jolie inspirational?