Tag: stephen fry

Life advice from Anya Hindmarch, Stephen Fry, Joanna Lumley – A Few Wise Words

a few wise words, book, wisdom, good books.

There are two types of people in this world: those who think they know everything, and everyone else. The everyone else read great books like this and implement it into their lives. Compiled and edited by Peter Mukherjee, this book is the inspiration we all need after a tough year. The contributors are a rich …

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Dating News: Men Prefer Older Women, Women Prefer Younger Men

Frost came across this rather interesting dating news, and some stereotypes are born out in the data, such as men increasingly looking for a younger partner as they age. It turns out that men aged 20-29 preferring older to younger women, and women also preferring a younger to older man as they age. 450,000 dating searches …

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Soho Literary Festival Returns September 2014

Soho Literary Festival 2014 Stephen Fry, Michel Roux and Antonia Fraser headline at the Soho Theatre Wednesday 24th September – Sunday 28th September www.soholitfest.com •An end-of-summer, long weekend of literary delights hosted in the Soho Theatre on Dean Street, in the capital’s liveliest district •Stephen Fry to star in an exclusive event on PG Wodehouse …

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Q&A With The Springheel Saga Creators Robert Valentine and Jack Bowman

This interview with Robert Valentine and Jack Bowman*, writers of The Legend Of Springheel’d Jack, was conducted over a quiet pint in The Ostrich Inn, Colnbrook. RV = Robert Valentine JB = Jack Bowman (who uses the pen name “Gareth Parker”) Q. So, the second, three-part series of The Springheel Saga: The Legend of Springheel’d …

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The Springheel Saga – Series 2: The Legend of Springheel’d Jack Review

After the huge success of award-winning The Springheel Saga: The Strange Case Of Springheel’d Jack starring Julian Glover there will be many people waiting for The Springheel Saga – Series 2: The Legend of Springheel’d Jack. In fact The Wireless Theatre Company have built up quite a following, winning awards and working with stars like Julian …

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Rally For The Rainforest At Online Celebrity Auction

Want to shop and do good? Of course you do. ‘The 12 Days of Christmas’, the RFUK’s fabulous and exclusive public auction of one-off gifts donated by celebrities, luxury labels and esteemed Foundation friends, returns for a fourth year. Open to everyone through an RFUK pop-up shop on eBay, the 12 day auction, running from …

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The Look of Love Film Review | Sundance London 2013

In an astonishingly versatile career that has lasted nearly two decades, British filmmaker Michael Winterbottom has turned his hand to an astonishing amount of challenging and diverse output. His work has strayed from fiction to factual, between comedy and drama and from light froth to storms of controversy. His new film marks the fourth collaboration …

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Why I Love Cricket By Rory Bremner

BREMNER BRINGS ‘SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT’ TO THIS YEAR’S FLt20 FINALS DAY One of Frost Magazine’s favourite comedians, Rory Bremner, has teamed up with the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) and is fronting a comedy festival campaign which has seen a host of comedians visiting Friends Life t20 games across the country. This has all …

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