Tag: sun damage

Sun Damage – Short-Term and Long-Term Effects By Dr Kathleen Thompson

Last time we discussed sunburn and sunscreens. But what if, despite all efforts, you get sunburned? First reduce inflammation. Take anti-inflammatories (eg ibuprofen) and apply bland moisturisers. Cool the affected skin with wet cloths, and keep hydrated.  (Pure) aloe vera may help. Vitamin E may reduce on-going skin-cell damage, which can continue even after sun-exposure. …

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New Beauty Launch: What Skin Needs Skincare Range Review

New Beauty Launch: What Skin Needs Skincare Range Review

All the way from Australia is a new skincare range: What Skin Needs. What Skin Needs is a range of natural products that provide effective solutions to certain skin problems. This range is good for those with sensitive and problem skin. The active ingredient they use in the range is Plantolin, a patent-protected active plant …

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How to Avoid Sun Damage.

We all know that sun damage is the biggest cause of premature ageing… … So why is it that even celebrities like Simon Cowell and Kim Kardashian are being caught short..? And it’s not just celebrities who are affected. In a recent survey by sensitive skin experts Eau Thermale Avène, 55% of us in the …

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