Tag: Sunburn

Overdone The Sun? Soleve Sunburn Relief Review by Margaret Graham

With summer, perhaps at last here, Frost is interested in Soleve Sunburn Relief. This means, that if the worst happens, and you sit out in the sun for too long you can make sure you have some help.Not only is Soleve Sunburn Relief  licenced but it combines  ibuprofen with a soothing emollient, isopropyl myristate. It …

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Sun Damage – Short-Term and Long-Term Effects By Dr Kathleen Thompson

Last time we discussed sunburn and sunscreens. But what if, despite all efforts, you get sunburned? First reduce inflammation. Take anti-inflammatories (eg ibuprofen) and apply bland moisturisers. Cool the affected skin with wet cloths, and keep hydrated.  (Pure) aloe vera may help. Vitamin E may reduce on-going skin-cell damage, which can continue even after sun-exposure. …

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Sun Protection – Should We or Shouldn’t We? By Dr Patricia Thompson

Each summer, work-weary, sun-starved Brits look forward to baking under a hot foreign sun, wearing nothing but a piece of lycra or two, and a thin layer of suncream. But what are the facts about sunburn and sunscreens? Sunburn has two components: The initial ‘burn’ is unpleasant enough, but the long term damage is more …

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Soleve Sunburn Relief Review | Health

Summer may feel like a distant memory but there are still a few lucky ones on holiday. In the hope of some future summer days, or future holidays we have reviewed Soleve Sunburn Relief. It is the first licensed product of its type specifically formulated to ease the pain and discomfort of mild to moderate sunburn.  …

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Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream | Beauty Review

Elizabeth Arden’s Eight Hour Cream is constantly on the major magazines best of beauty lists. It is the little tub of cream that has a million uses and is a favourite of celebrities. My family and friends also love it. Here is my review. Elizabeth Arden says their Eight Hour Cream soothes minor skin irritation …

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AS Britain looks forward to the first ‘BBQ weekend’ of the year, Cancer Research UK is advising people, particularly those with fair skin, to enjoy the sun safely, be SunSmart and take steps to avoid getting sunburn. Temperature predictions for the weekend are expected to remain unseasonably warm for April, with parts of Britain hotter …

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The Great Welsh Summer {Ceri's Column}

God damn, my country is beautiful in the Sun. It turns even more verdant than it usually is, (that’s pretty fucking green, man) the jaw-droppingly beautiful beaches shine like strips of pure gold dust and flocks of people are to be seen out and about, smiling. We have great ice cream in my neck of …

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