Tag: Symptoms

Christmas Tree Syndrome 

The Hidden Dangers Lurking in Your Holiday Décor A Christmas tree lights up any room or space and brings with it joy, cheer and happiness. But did you know that the Christmas tree for some allergy sufferers brings nothing but misery? If you are an allergy sufferer and find that the annual Christmas tree can …

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Meningitis By Dr Patricia Thompson

A new vaccine, for Meningococcus B, will soon be available for babies. What, another vaccine? Do we really need it? I would say – absolutely yes. Meningococcus causes meningitis, and blood infection (septicaemia) – sometimes leading to limb amputation or brain damage. Approximately 1:10 people affected die. As a paediatrician, I’ve seen healthy children become …

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How To Delay The Menopause

According to the NHS, the most common age for menopause to start is 51 – which is when we start to experience symptoms; aching joints, depression, lack of energy, lack of libido, weight gain, concentration problems, headaches and, most commonly, hot flushes and night sweats. Although the onset of menopause is strongly influenced by our …

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Understanding IBS

What is it? Dr. Wendy Denning, GP and one of Tatler’s top 150 private doctors for the last three years, explains: “Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a sporadic and unpredictable disruption of the digestive system. Everyone suffers the odd upset, but if you regularly experience painful abdominal spasms, bloating, or attacks of constipation or diarrhoea, …

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