Carbon Monoxide; The Silent Killer.

Carbon Monoxide kills one person in the UK every week. It has no odour and less than 2 per cent of carbon monoxide in the air can kill in two minutes according to the Department of Health.

Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning like tummy upsets, and migraines can be confused with flu. If it is left undiagnosed, exposure to the gas over s long period can cause neurological damage that mimics strokes, depression and even some types of dementia.

Carbon monoxide is produced when fuel that has been lit doesn’t have enough oxygen to burn.
The lack of oxygen causes carbon monoxide instead if harmless carbon dioxide.

Carbon monoxide hijacks haemoglobin, a protein found in red blood cells. This causes the body to be starved of oxygen, affecting vital functions, causing a heart attack, coma and ultimately death.

Are you at risk?

Less than a third of homes have a carbon monoxide alarm, which cost about £10.

Watch out for:

* Yellow or orange flames in boilers and heaters when there should be blue ones.
* Soot on the walls around fires and water heaters.


Anxiety and depression
Tiredness and drowsiness
Heart palpitations
Chest pain
Personality change and clumsiness