Will The Royal Baby Be Elizabeth III?

Will the Royal Baby be Elizabeth III? Duchess and Duke of CambridgeAfter months of royal baby speculation, it appears the nation believes the new royal arrival will be a girl named Elizabeth born on the 7th July.

These predictions came out top in a poll of nearly 4,000 fellow expectant mums who were asked to guess the sex, name and the date the royal baby would arrive on parenting website Bounty.com.

Despite recent rumours of Harry letting it slip that the royal couple are expecting a boy and Kate buying a blue Bugaboo pram, two thirds still believe the new arrival will be a princess.

And when it comes to naming their firstborn, most think the couple will be ‘keeping it in the family’ with Elizabeth the most popular choice, closely followed by Diana, Victoria and Alexandra.

These echo the recent ‘Royal Baby Odds’ released by Ladbrokes, which favour Kate giving birth to a girl at 2-5 with the same names as front-runners at 6-1.

Lisa Penney, spokesmum for Bounty.com, whose ‘Royal Baby Guesser’ competition is asking new mums and pregnant women to cast their predictions for the royal baby. “Everyone loves a royal baby and as speculation reaches fever pitch we thought it would be fun to ask our members for their own predictions,” says Lisa.

“The results show even though Kate and Wills are seen as modern, contemporary royals, people still think they will plump for a traditional royal name.”

When it comes to boys names, George – most widely rumoured to be favoured by the couple for a son – comes out on top, followed by James, Henry and Edward.

Interestingly, it seems new mums are already taking name inspiration from the royals with Bounty Parenting Club’s most recent baby names report revealing both George and James were among the top ten names given to baby boys by new parents in April.

However, the ‘most likely for a princess’ girls names have some catching up to do with Elizabeth the 42nd most popular name given to baby girls in April, Alexandra the 69th, whilst Diana just makes the top 100 at 84th.

And despite recent reports of a ‘family friend’ letting it slip that the baby is due on 13th July, 7th July came out top as the date believed most likely for the baby making its arrival, followed by the 17th and the 14th July.

Lisa continues: “Our records show that year after year parents continue to be influenced by popular culture and celebrity, so it’s highly likely that whatever name the royal couple go for they’ll be setting a baby-naming trend for the future.

“And it does seem that even rumours surrounding the possible name they’ll go for are enough to inspire new parents. Our latest baby data shows sharp increases since the beginning of the year for Diana (up 200%), Elizabeth (up 22%) and George (up 10%), leaping up seven places to become the eighth most popular name for baby boys in the UK.”

There is still time to take part in bounty.com’s ‘royal baby guesser’ competition for your chance to win a ‘Princess for a Day’ experience worth £1,000. Visit http://www.bounty.com/royal-baby/royal-baby-competition to case your own predictions.


1.      Elizabeth

2.      Diana

3.      Victoria

4.      Alexandra

5.      Charlotte

6.      Sophia

7.      Emily

8.      Mary

9.      Grace

10.    Olivia



1.      George

2.      James

3.      Henry

4.      Edward

5.      Charles

6.      William

7.      Philip

8.      Alexander

9.      Arthur

10.    Richard



1.      7th July

2.      17th July

3.      14th July

4.      15th July

5.      6th July

6.      12th July

7.      16th July

8.      10th July

9.      5th July

10.    3rd July

What do you think the royal baby will be called?