The daughter of a friend of mine is in her second year at drama school. She’s good: can sing, can dance, can act – particularly in comedy. So, she has it all? Trouble is, so do so many of the rest of her year group. And so do all of those other aspiring actors in …
Tag: top tips
May 13
Top Tips For a Skin-Friendly Summer
Amanda Elias, beauty expert and founder of Bravura London has her top tips for a skin-friendly Summer. 1 – The first thing you want to think about is sun protection; the sun is the main cause of premature ageing which can leave your skin dull, dry, wrinkled and with hyperpigmentation (brown spots). Protect all exposed …
Sep 28
Top Tips For Trans-Seasonal Style
Sian O’Flaherty, UK Online Content Manager, ShopStyle – The fashion search engine “Autumn is well on its way as the days get a little shorter and the sky greyer, but it’s arguably the most inspiring time of the year for fashion. The classic leather jacket and ankle boot sees a welcome return to the front …
Sep 26
Eat Clean, Feel Good; Ecover Review + Rachel Allen Recipes
Frost doesn’t just review glamorous things, nope, we try to bring you the great and good for every part of life. Environmentally friendly products are our thing so we reviewed theses plant and mineral based cleaning products. A lot of stuff people clean with is really toxic. Breathing it in does more harm than good. …
Sep 18
Top Tips For Joint Health
1) Keep Moving According to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS), engaging in exercises or activities that improve your joint range of motion can help you reduce your joint stiffness, maintain or improve proper joint movement and flexibility and ward off the effects of osteoarthritis. Exercises that target your spinal …
Dec 10
Kate’s Royal Morning Sickness explained and top tips on keeping nausea at bay
Following the news that The Duchess of Cambridge has been hospitalized due to severe morning sickness (otherwise known as Hyperemesis Gravidarum), we enlist the help of the UK’s leading women’s health expert and nutritionist Dr Marilyn Glenville PhD and Russell Bowman, expert nutritionist at The Nutri Centre to shed light on this rare condition and …
Oct 30
Top tips to make kid’s bath time FUN without breaking the bank
As research from Megaflo, the hot water expert has shown, more than 93% of parents believe that bath-time is one of the most important parts of a child’s day to help them relax, learn and have fun. With the cold weather now upon us, bath time will be more important than ever. We all remember …
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