Tag: training

5 reasons to start lifting weights in 2021

quokka bottle, stainless steel,

Are you considering lifting weights? Maybe you’re worried about looking too bulky, or you’re concerned it won’t fit into your regular training program – whatever your reasons for avoiding weights so far, the truth is, in terms of fitness, you’re missing out. Lifting weights is beneficial for everyone, regardless of their age or gender. Of …

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Interview With casting director, coach, actress & founder of Sound Advice Kate McClanaghan

Interview With casting director, coach, actress & founder of Sound Advice Kate McClanahan voice over work

1. Tell us a bit about yourself.  I’m a seasoned casting director, producer, coach, actress and founder of SOUND ADVICE, a unique, one-stop option for unparalleled voice over coaching, and exceptional demo production for all skill and experience levels. I had been a freelance producer since I was 19 years old, producing commercials for Coca-Cola, …

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Is Acting Training Worth It?

acting, acting advice, acting book, how to be a successful actor, actorpreneur, auditions, castings, casting breakdown, how to be an actor,

To train or not to train, that is the question. To paraphrase some little known writer, ahem. It is a debate that has raged on. The truth is, there is no easy answer. Frankly, studying at Cambridge will get you noticed but training at some random never-heard-of polytechnic won’t do you much good. In a …

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15 Ways To Get Lean And Eat Clean In 2015

By Mark Wood, Head Training Tutor at British Military Fitness  With the January blues in full swing, most of us need a helping hand when it comes to kick starting our New Year fitness regimes. The festive season of overindulgence is over and here at British Military Fitness (BMF), we have put together 15 top tips to make …

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How To Be a Successful Actor: Becoming an Actorpreneur Book Review

acting, acting advice, how to be an actor, how to be a successful actor, hollywood, castings, auditions, casting directors.

The daughter of a friend of mine is in her second year at drama school. She’s good: can sing, can dance, can act – particularly in comedy. So, she has it all? Trouble is, so do so many of the rest of her year group. And so do all of those other aspiring actors in …

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The Best Exercises For A Pert Bottom

Pert bottom exercises by British Military Fitness Instructor Want a perfect bottom like Pippa Middleton? Then all you need to do is master the squat. The squat is commonly known as the “king of exercises”. It is a fantastic exercise; it targets all the muscles in the legs whilst also adding some strength and stability …

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Strength Training Exercises For Women Book Review

January is full of the best of intentions, it is the time of the year when we are determined to get healthy and fit, but usually gym membership and exercise classes fall by the wayside. I know a lot of the time the effort to leave the house is what really gets me so it …

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Britain is Lagging Behind Europe in Training Women

Only 7% of professional engineers in the UK are female and companies must take the lead in redressing the balance according to Scott Fletcher – chairman and founder of UK cloud infrastructure specialists ANS Group.   “Private companies are beginning to take the lead in providing skills training and they should seize the opportunity to …

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