Tag: tuition fees

Applying to university or college next year? Read these top dos and don’ts

Applying to university or college next year? Read these top dos and don’ts from UCAS.   Applying to university or college next year? Read these top dos and dont’s by Cathy Gilbert, Director of Customer Strategy at UCAS Do – research your university and degree course choices carefully before applying. For me, that should include going …

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Are The Good Times Really Over For Good?

For someone in their twenties it is hard to think of a time which has been harder economically than right now. But I do know that this is not true. There have been many booms and busts before, times much harder than this. Rationing, world wars, the great depression. But what of the future? My …

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UK Youth Unemployment Hits a Million – A Fundamental Not A Short Term Problem

UK youth unemployment rose above 1 million, its highest level since 1996 according to government figures. Employment Minister Chris Grayling blamed the Eurozone debt crisis for the rising number of jobless. Looking at the table below we can see that youth unemployment in this country has been rising for many years even before the recession. …

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Young People In Politics: Ben Mallet Interview.

It takes a lot for me to be impressed by people, Ben Mallet scores on this point. He is smart, passionate and obscenely young ( Still in his teens!). Ben is one of life’s doers, and, I am almost certain, will one day be Prime Minister. Keep an eye on him. Why did you go …

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