The worst thing about bad weather isn’t the rain: it is the fact that people don’t need to take a spacial awareness test before buying an umbrella. Yes, you are dry but everyone else is maimed or injured. These little contraptions tend to bring out the selfishness of people and give scars to the rest of us. So with that in mind, here is the Frost guide to umbrella etiquette.

When not using the umbrella, shake it dry but make sure no one is near you first. They won’t be amused and quite rightly so. Also make sure you carry it horizontally when not in use. This will stop you stabbing people or hitting them in the side.
On public transport, the best thing to do with your umbrella is to hold it in your hands or put it between your feet. This will stop you forgetting it and also make sure you don’t get anyone else, or a seat, wet.
Use it when it is raining, but not for a light drizzle unless you are walking in a quiet area. It is not worth poking someones eye out in a busy area if it is merely drizzling. Watch out for big umbrellas too. If they cover more than one person, fine but they are unnecessary for only one person and not recommended in busy areas.
Always be extra cautious when walking around corners. Especially blind ones.
When you are using an umbrella always stop walking and move to the side if you need to use your phone. You need to pay attention when using an umbrella, and a phone for that matter. You don’t want a Darwin award for dying whilst texting.
To pass someone else with an umbrella the best way is to lift your umbrella above or below the other persons umbrella. This is also good on a busy street when space is an issue. The taller person should lift but do so if they don’t. Another option is to tilt. If you tilt away from each other you will remain dry and the umbrellas will not knock into each other. Win win. Don’t over tilt, you might hit someone on the other side of you in the face. As I said: it is all about spacial awareness.
What would you add to our guide to umbrella etiquette? Please comment below.