Tag: Vestiaire Collective

A French Woman’s Guide to Dressing For the Party Season

By Fanny Moizant, Managing Director, vestiairecollective.com, the luxury resale clothing site In Paris we don’t have a big tradition of dressing up during the party season – it’s not that we’re humbugs exactly, of course we adore fashion, but you won’t find many groups of girls dolled up to the nines for the office Christmas …

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Dress for Success Celebrity Online Auction on VestiaireCollective.com

Frost Loves that Rachel Weisz, Davina McCall, Trinny Woodall, Sophie Dahl, Jasmine Guinness and Bay Garnett donate treasured pieces from their wardrobes to women’s charity Dress for Success with an exclusive online auction on Vestiaire Collective starting on December 21st   This Christmas, UK A-list celebrities Rachel Weisz, Davina McCall, Trinny Woodall, Sophie Dahl, Jasmine …

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Find haute couture from the finest French wardrobes

UK SHOPPERS FLOCK TO vestiaire collective TO FIND haute couture from the finest French wardrobes   Vestiaire Collective, the pre-owned, luxury, fashion website today celebrates its first six months in the UK by announcing quadruple digit growth in UK members and record sales to UK consumers. The cult French fashion site has grown its base …

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Frost Magazine