Juice Burst are determined to stay at the top of their juice game and we think their revamped juices are a hit. With both fruit and veg in their newly launched flavours, Juice Burst have also made sure that the reformed flavours contain No added sugar, flavours and sweeteners. Strawberry and Beetroot is a hit …
Tag: vitamins
Feb 05
The Fashion Week Energiser: Emergen-C Review
We got sent Emergen-C to review whilst being reminded that fashion week is nearly upon us. Yes, it is indeed. That whirlwind of shows, people, meetings and parties. Anything that gives you more energy is sorely needed. This vitamin drink was launched in Autumn 2014 and quickly became popular. We like the taste and the convenience …
Dec 08
The Hidden Health Risks of a Nutrient Gap: Should You Be Taking Vitamins?
Late November I attended a very interesting event at The Ivy, Mind The Nutrient Gap: Hidden Health Risks. Apart from having lots of fun chatting to amazing journalists and eating an extraordinary lunch (I would not have expected anything less), I found out some interesting facts. many of which I found shocking. Leading dietitian Dr Carrie …
Jul 26
Should You Take Vitamins?
It is hard to know what is the best for your health and the media always seems to be giving conflicting stories. I take a multivitamin but recent press has said this is not a good idea. So, what is fact and fiction? Let’s try and find out. In response to an article in the …
Jul 25
Soothing Shower Set Review
My first thought after receiving the soothing shower set was just how much I loved the packaging. You get four shower washes and a shower puff. I always love shower puffs because they take a little bit of shower wash and makes it go a long way. This set is from new UK bodycare brand, …
May 19
Vichy Idealia Smoothing and Illuminating Cream Review
It is not common for me to be upset when a moisturiser runs out. There is always something else to try. But when my Vichy Idealia Smoothing and Illuminating Cream ran out I felt forlorn. It is just that good. It smells delicious, which is probably the Kombucha tea extract, the packaging is stylish and …
Feb 25
Spring Clean Your Body
Christmas may be a mere memory now but some of us are still in need of a spring clean for our body. I know I certainly do. So with spring on the way I started to finally detox myself and get in the best shape of my life. Here are some of the things I …
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