LighterLife Fast Review: The Easy Way To Do The 5:2 Diet?

The 5:2 diet really took off last year and is still huge. If you have been living under a rock and don’t know what it is: you eat normally for 5 days a week and then the other two days you fast, having 500 calories if you are female, or 600 if you are male. It sounds better than most diets and you get to eat what you want (within reason) the other five days. What makes it hard though is finding something low-calorie to eat on the fasting days. Enter LighterLife Fast, which we got sent to review recently. It is a new product from Superdrug that makes the 5:2 diet easier. On your fasting days you just have four packets of the LighterLife Fast foodpacks.

5.2dietfood 5-2diet

They are not only convenient but they also make sure you get all of your nutrients while you fast. They are very handy and you can pop them into the microwave, or on a hob, which I prefer. We got sent two different bars, two shakes (chocolate and strawberry), porridge, vegetable soup, pasta carbonara and spaghetti bolognese flavoured meals. Note that I said ‘flavoured’ these are mostly dehydrated meals that you add water too.


LighterLife Fasting has a number of things going for it: no cooking, no counting calories and you get 100% of the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of vitamins and minerals, along with good amounts of protein and fibre. The taste lets it down a little but it is what you would expect, ranging from okay to edible depending on personal preference.


More importantly, do they work? Well, yes. Our reviewer lost about a pound a week. They are a good diet aid, and good for people who are busy too, making the 5:2 diet manageable and without compromising on getting all of your nutrients. It doesn’t taste nice and you will yearn for real food, but it makes things easier. Available from Superdrug.


What do you think?



Top Health & Beauty Buys

Trying to get fit and healthy? Let Frost help you with our top health and beauty buys for August.

Lunaling Hotpants

This UK based company sell capri pants which make weight loss  4X greater. Lunaling increase the core body temperature by an average of 18% more than the control garment, which leads to an increase in metabolism.

Tested on 9 women with an average BMI of 23.3. All test subjects performed 30 minutes of exercise in Lunaling as well as in a standard control garment.

Lunaling was tested at a top UK university’s physiology laboratories. Researchers monitored a pool of women who wore Lunaling and then standard exercise clothes to gauge their physiological responses before, during, and after a 30-minute exercise session.

The researchers calculated the women’s weight loss, core/skin temperatures, and energy expenditure. The women exercised at a level that matched the average gym goer’s reasonably demanding – but not too intense – training.

We have tried them and they really work.


I have tried all of the different type of Patch-it now. The Circulation Patch-it really feels like it is working and changes the temperature in the lower part of your body. I love them and they have menthol in which is know to be benefical to health circulation. They definitely made a difference to my legs. If you exercise or walk/run a lot these help your aching and swollen limbs. These foot patches support healthy blood flow and reduce swelling by up to 53%, as well as minimising any numbness or discomfort.

Ciculation Patch-it review Sleep patch-it review

The Sleep Patch-it resulted in three days good sleep. Could be a coincidence but I really think not. The patches stay on well and come of easily, there are not painful like plasters.

The plaster style reflexology patches which you place on the soles of your feet before bed to soothe, calm and relax the body and mind. This means there is no need for restless nights and the consequent cravings for sugar loaded snacks the following day.

The patches deliver FAR-infrared energy (the same energy waves emitted by the sun) that stimulate key reflexology points on the feet. Additionally, each patch contains 100% certified organic essential oils including Lavender to calm, Sage to balance, Bergamot to relax and Ylang Ylang to comfort.

Detox Patch-it. You can also see all of the toxins come out of the foot when you take it off in the morning. Yuk but satisfying to see the results of the detox. We love these and I really think they work.

Detox Patch-It, Circulation Patch-It and Sleep Patch-it is available from Holland & Barrett stores nationwide. £3.99 for 2 patches or £29.99 for 20 patches.

Detox Power Yoga DVD

Detox Power Yoga DVD

It is always great to shake up your workout and we loved this detox power yoga with Andrea Kubasch. It is a five day detox programme and after we finished we felt amazing and rejuvenated. The DVD breaks down into the following workouts.
1) Detox Cleanse (13 mins)
Get fired up with this weekly foundation practice that uses variations of standing Sun Salutations. Burn calories, tone your body, and improve endurance and stamina.

2) Detox Core (10 mins)
Turn up the heat with this extraordinarily deep abdominal exercise. Awaken sluggish organs, stretch scar tissue and fuel the fire.

3) Detox Flow (13 mins)
This calorie blasting, higher intensity practice will help you create a sleek, firm, flexible and strong body while also removing tension through breath, movement and meditation in motion.

4) Detox Shine (12 mins)
Feel alert, energised and revitalised; relax the body and clarify your mind; and enjoy the results coming out of the week with this soothing and calming practice.

5) Detox Yoga Nidra – Deep Sleep (12 mins)
Guided relaxation: A program used after each practice, which can also be done on its own.

A brilliant workout DVD. Especially good if you do not have a lot of time. Andrea Detox Flow Yoga DVD is available here Gaiam Detox Power Yoga and we highly recommend it.

Detox Patch-it, red lightening review, Top Health & Beauty Buys

Start your day with a Nature’s Plus Red Lightning powder sachet and feel electric. Each sachet is packed with over thirty whole food extracts including cranberry and pomegranate, giving it an antioxidant punch, perfect for curing those sore alcohol induced heads. It’s the perfect way to start your festival day! We also tried the Green Lightening and Rainbow Lightening and we felt incredibly healthy and energetic. Great for a pick me up or an especially challenging day – or day after.


Our writer has been taken these for a while and looks years younger. If you have not heard of it you will soon, these little pills are great.

Key information:

  • Found in tomatoes and red fruits, lycopene benefits the skin, promoting firmness and elasticity.
  • A recent study found people who had a lycopene rich diet had higher levels of carotenoids, strong antioxidants that help reduce inflammation and can have a positive effect on ageing skin.
  • Lycopene contributes to protecting your retinas from sun damage, which can lead to a gradual loss of vision over time. It can also help to block some ultraviolet rays.
  • Ateronon is the only supplement that has been proven to increase lycopene levels in the body with daily use.
  • One-a-day food supplement, Ateronon, is the only LactoLycopene supplement on the market. LactoLycopene is a patented ingredient, which allows lycopene to be absorbed into the blood.
  • One Ateronon capsule is the equivalent to eating one kilo of tomatoes cooked in olive oil every day.
  • Ateronon has been shown in studies to increase the flexibility of arteries by 53%, allowing better blood flow around the body.
  • Ateronon is priced from £23.99 per box of 30 capsules.
  • Ateronon is available here.

top health and beauty buys, review, health, beauty, back pain

Deep Relief

Brilliant for anyone suffering from back pain. Just rub this Deep Relief in and the pain is bearable. This stuff really worked on my back pain. No need to grin and bear it as so many other people do, see below.

A grim portrait of pain has been revealed by a new study for Deep Relief, a topical, clinically proven analgesic gel which uses both analgesic ibuprofen and counter-stimulant levomenthol to deliver a dual attack on pain to provide, effective pain relief.

In this survey of 1000 adults, almost half (43%) said they were blighted by pain on a daily basis. A similar proportion (45%) reported living with pain for more than five years. The back is the number one sore spot with more than half of pain sufferers reporting the lower back to be the main source of discomfort. The neck and shoulders come a close second affecting two out of five (42%) people.

Commenting on this latest pain data, Dr Sarah Brewer a media GP notes: “Worryingly, this new Deep Relief report revealed that three out of five (60%) who suffer regular aches and pains put their health at risk because they rely on oral pain-relief pills. Long term use of oral painkillers such as aspirin and ibuprofen has been linked with a corrosive effect on the digestive system and long term use of ibuprofen and diclofenac at high doses have been linked to an increased risk of heart attack.It is estimated that this family of medicines, known as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs, is responsible for 2,600 deaths a year and 12,000 hospital admissions out of 25 million prescriptions not to mention the number of people that buy NSAIDs Over The Counter.



A staggering one in two people (48%) simply ‘grin and bear pain’. Standing for long periods (41%), household chores (40%) and sitting at a desk for long periods (33%) all aggravate discomfort and a third (32%) report that cold weather makes their pain worse.


Nagging pain can also have a huge emotional impact, with a third (29%) admitting they get upset because it restricts their activities and the same number complaining they are constantly exhausted.


“This can become a vicious cycle as there is evidence to show that low mood lowers our pain threshold and depression increases our sensitivity to pain, which makes it feel worse.” Dr Sarah Brewer


Dr Brewer adds: “The survey found that pain also prevented one in four respondents from exercising, which may exacerbate this downward spiral. In fact, we know that exercise releases mood-boosting endorphins, so remaining as active as possible is an important part of pain control in long-term conditions such as arthritis.”


Using an effective topical pain relief product such as Deep Relief gel can help maintain mobility and prevent pain from undermining the ability to enjoy daily life.


In summary, Dr Brewer notes: “This survey also found that two out of five (38%) people had not discussed their pain problems with their GP or a pharmacist and as a result many may be unaware of the risks associated with oral painkillers, and the potential for interactions with other medicines such as blood-thinning drugs. A number of studies have linked the long-term use of NSAIDs to serious side-effects and these medicines must be treated with respect. Sadly, almost one third (31%) of respondents in the Deep Relief survey believed there is nothing they can do to prevent pain.


Overall this survey paints a grim picture of debilitating pain in a significant proportion of the UK population together with a worrying lack of knowledge on how to treat it.”


However, the good news is that Deep Relief is a topical analgesic gel which uses two weapons to help fight pain – analgesic ibuprofen and counter-irritant  levomenthol — to deliver a dual attack on pain which has been clinically proven to provide, effective relief.


The ibuprofen reduces pain by damping down inflammation and swelling while the levomenthol provides a counter-irritant effect which delivers cooling pain relief.


“And the synergistic action of these two key ingredients enhances penetration of the ibuprofen suggesting that Deep Relief may deliver more analgesia than products containing ibuprofen alone.


Deep Relief has been subjected to a randomised, double-blind placebo controlled trial — the toughest scientific test there is — and is proven to significantly reduce pain in walking, standing and at rest.

So if you suffer from muscular mild to moderate pain niggles opt for a topical pain relieving gel like Deep Relief gel. However, if the pain becomes severe or worsens, always seek GP advice immediately.



Menthol has been used to relieve aches and pains for centuries but it is only recently that scientists have begun to understand how it works.


Messages to the brain are relayed via a system of transient receptor potential (TRP) ion channels which act as gateways on cells and allow electrical signals to pass back and forth.


A 2007 study at the University of California confirmed that one of these TRP ion channels — known as TRPM8 — is not only essential to signal the sensation of cold, but also responds to menthol. This means at a cellular level these chemical messengers cannot tell the difference between something which is physically cold and the menthol-induced sensation of cold — so applying menthol activates the same pain-relieving response as an ice-pack and triggers a barrage of ‘it’s cold’ signals to the brain which compete with pain signals and dilute their message.


Another piece of the puzzle emerged last year in a study from researchers at the Research Center for Neurobiology and Neurophysiology at Aix-Marseilles University who suspected that menthol’s pain relieving properties went beyond this counter-irritant distraction.


Their laboratory tests confirmed that menthol also blocks at least three of the ion channels which relay the sensation of pain and they reported: “We found that low concentrations of menthol cause analgesia.

This shows that menthol works in two ways: by both blocking pain signals and by diluting the impact of those which get through to the brain.


Another advantage of adding menthol to a pain-relieving gel is that it aids the penetration of ibuprofen. In vitro studies show that when levomenthol — the type of menthol used in Deep Relief — is added to ibuprofen 2.6 times more analgesic is absorbed by the skin in the first hour and at ten hours the combination of ibuprofen and levomenthol delivers 1.4 times more analgesia than ibuprofen alone.


Deep Relief is the only topical NSAID to combine ibuprofen and levomenthol to provide this two-pronged approach to pain-relief.

All products available from Holland & Barrett, Amazon and Boots

Great Summer Recipes To Get You Into Shape


Bikini Friendly Recipes For The Summer Season


We love food at Frost Magazine. We love it so much that no diet in which you need to deprive yourself will work for us. That is why these recipes caught our eye. Great food you can eat while being healthy and losing weight? Yes please.

There is no denying that the British love a good old fashioned barbecue! So with body conscious Brits preparing to don their bikinis and swim shorts this summer Dr Dukan has answered our dieting prayers.


This easy menu, boasting a delicious range of sides, mains and desserts, means you can indulge in all of your summer favourites whilst losing those extra inches fast!

recipes, recipe, summer, diet, dukan, dr dukan, lose weight, health,

Spicy Chicken Kebabs

spicy chicken kebabs, kebabs, diet, recipe, recipes, how to make

Serves: 5

Preparation time: 30 minutes (plus 2-3 hours marinating)

Cooking time: 10 minutes


25 small wooden kebab sticks

1kg (2lb 4oz) chicken breasts, cut into cubes

250ml (9fl oz) fat-free natural yoghurt

1 tsp chilli powder

1 tsp ground tumeric

1 tsp ground cumin

1 tsp ground coriander

1 tsp grated ginger

1 garlic clove, crushed


Prepare the marinade with the yoghurt and all the spices, ginger and garlic. Thread the chicken pieces on to the kebab sticks and place them in a dish, covering them completely with the marinade.

Leave to marinate in the fridge for several hours or overnight. Place the kebabs on the barbeque andcook for 8-10 minutes until the meat is browned and tender.     

Asian Style Beef Skewers

asian food, beef, skewers, diet, food, recipe

Serves: 4

Preparation time: 20 minutes
4 thin-cut sirloin steaks or minute steaks, trimmed of any fat and each cutinto 3 long strips
100ml of soy sauce
1 tbsp of sweetener
1 tbsp sesame seeds (tolerated)

For the salad:

1 tsp white wine vinegar
1 tsp light soy sauce
1 cucumber, cut into small chunks

3 spring onions, sliced

1Ž2 red chilli, deseeded and finely chopped
Handful coriander leaves, chopped

Heat grill to high. In a bowl, mix the steak strips with the soy sauce and sesame seeds. Thread onto 12 skewers, then grill for 12 minutes, turning halfway through, until golden and sticky.


For the salad, mix the vinegar and soy together, then toss with the cucumber, spring onions, chilli and coriander. Serve with the beef skewers.



Dukan Burger

dukan burger, healthy burger, diet, food, recipe,

Serves : 2

Preperation: 10 minutes, cook 10 minutes (or more according to taste)


3 tbsp oat bran

4 tbsp low fat fromage frais

2 eggs

2 tsp baking powder

2 low fat beef burgers (5% fat)

2 sliced onions

2 red onions sliced

2  gherkins

Tsp Dijon mustard

Dukan ketchup and Dukan mayonnaise

Mix half of the oat bran, egg, half of fromage frais and half baking soda. Pour in a circle mould and cook it in the micro wave for 4 minutes. Remove the bread and slice it in to pieces. Repeat the operation a second time to make another bread.  You can toast if you wish.

Cook the onion in a nonstick frying pan with a bit of water and then cook your burgers.  On one slice of the bread spread some mustard and then Dukan ketchup and mayonnaise according to your taste and then add your burger. Add the sliced onion and gherkin.




Tzatziki, Dr Dukan

1 serving

Preparation time: 10 minutes (plus refrigeration time)

No cooking required



1/2 cucumber

Sea salt

1 garlic clove, finely chopped

150g (51Ž2oz) fat-free natural yoghurt

Peel and deseed the cucumber, chop it up very finely, then sprinkle a generous pinch of sea salt over it and leave for a few minutes to extract any juices.  Then mix together all the ingredients and refrigerate for several hours. Serve very cold.





Dukan Coleslaw

coleslaw, , recipe, recipes, Dr Dukan

Serves: 4

Preparation time: 20 minutes
4 tbsp Dukan mayonnaise
4 tsp red wine vinegar
1 tsp of linseeds, toasted
1Ž2 white cabbage, shredded
4 carrots , peeled and shredded
1 red onion, halved and thinly sliced

Mix the mayonnaise, vinegar and fennel seeds and season really well. Toss with all the vegetables and leave for 20 minutes. Toss again before serving.


And finally, don’t miss out on those additional extras which always seem to find their way in to any BBQ spread – do away with fatty crisps and indulge in Dr Dukan’s vegetable snacks or simply replace with salted oat bran biscuits!


Please see Dr Dukan’s desserts selection below:



Iced Lemon Mousse

dessert, Iced Lemon Mousse, how to make mousse, recipe, recipes, diet, healthy, Dukan

Serves: 2-3

Preparation time: 10 minutes (plus freezing time)

No cooking required



4 egg whites

500g (1bl 2oz) virtually fat-free fromage frais

Zest of 1 lemon

Juice of 5 lemons


Beat the egg whites until stiff. Whisk the fromage frais and carefully mix together with the lemon zest, lemon juice and egg whites.  Place the mousse in a dish and freeze until it has set firm.


Chocolate and Cinnamon Ice Cream

Chocolate and Cinnamon Ice Cream, how to make ice cream, ice cream recipe, diet, healthy

Serves: 6

Preparation : 5 minutes – Refrigeration time : 2 hrs



500ml low fat fromage frais

1 fresh vanilla bean pod or two drops of Dukan vanilla flavouring

4 tbsp of 1% Dukan cocoa powder

5 to 7 tbsp of sweetener according to taste

1 tbs of powdered cinnamon


Mix all the ingredientstogether and pour into an icecream tub then pop into the freezer. Freeze for one hour and then remove, stir well and put back in freezer for a final hour. It’s ready! Can be kept two days in the freezer.



Strawberry Milkshake

 milk shake, how to make a milk shake, recipe, diet, healthy, dukan

Serves 2

Preparation Time: 5 minutes


·      50 ml skimmed milk

·      50 ml low fat fromage frais or low fat greek yogurt

·      1 or two drops of Dukan Strawberry flavouring

·      A few ice cubes

Mix all the ingredients in a blender and serve with a straw.




Vanilla Lollipops

Vanilla Lollipops, dessert, recipe, reciipes

Serves: 4

Preparation: 10 minutes; Freezing time: overnight



2 teaspoons vanilla flavouring

300g fat-free fromage frais

4 Canderel vanilla sticks


Have ready four plastic lollipop moulds with sticks. Stir the vanilla flavouring in to the fromage frais. Add the sweetener and beat the mixture using an electric whisk. Fill the lollipop moulds and freeze overnight. Enjoy them the following day!


Women Worry That They Are Fat Three Times A day

Women Worry That They Are Fat Three Times A day


  • 80 per cent of Britons  say they’re depressed by their appearance
  • Eight out of ten said their lives would improve considerably if they felt happy about their body
  • Cameron Diaz’s legs, Kim Kardashian’s bottom, Gisele Bundchen’s stomach and Jessica Simpson’s bust are considered to be ‘ideal’


As a celebrity-obsessed culture, there is immense pressure on women to look good and females are forced to compare themselves to stars with perfect bodies but it has now been revealed that seven in ten women are so anxious about the way they look they fret about their weight three times a day, with a staggering 80 per cent of Brits saying they’re depressed by the appearance of their own body.


The study found actress Cameron Diaz’s legs, reality star Kim Kardashian’s bottom, model Gisele Bundchen’s flat stomach and singer Jessica Simpson’s bust are considered to be ‘ideal’ and the desire to look the same appears to be having a serious impact on the way women look at themselves. It’s not just women who are concerned about piling on the pounds, 61% of men fret about their body three times a day too.


The ‘Dare to Bare’ study conducted by Travelodge surveyed 5,000 British adults to investigate the nation’s views on their bodies and their attitude to fitness; following customer feedback on incorporating keep fit facilities across the Company’s hotels.


Key research findings revealed tummies is the nation’s number one body worry with three quarters of British adults admitting they are carrying a two pound unwanted spare tyre around their midriff. An astonishing 80% of British adults and women reported the appearance of their body depressed them.

The fact that women have body-image issues is a familiar one; however Travelodge’s research revealed that 73% of women on average think about their weight and body size at least three times during the day. Eight out of ten women reported they lives would improve considerably if they felt happy about their body. Over a third of women reported their love lives would be so much better if they felt better about their body. For women, legs were second to bellies in the body-worry charts with bottoms coming in third place.


The report also revealed it’s not just women who obsess about their appearance, a whopping 78% of men hate their physique and 56% of men regularly discuss their bodies with friends with the main topics of conversations being around: beer bellies, measly muscles, baldness and “man boobs”. After their tummies, arms and shoulders were cited by men as ‘trouble spots’.

Listed below are the top five most hated body parts for men and women

















Further findings from the survey revealed whilst women are usually preoccupied with losing weight and reducing their dress size for men it’s all about building muscle mass and looking “ripped”, with a toned “six pack”.


Research findings also revealed celebrity culture has a significant impact on body self-image among both British men and women. Listed below is the nation’s most desired celebrity body part:

Body Area




David Beckham

Cameron Diaz


Channing Tatum

Kim Kardashian


Mark Wahlberg /

Matthew McConaughey

Gisele Bundchen

Chest / Bust

Tyson Beckford

Jessica Simpson


Taylor Lautner

Felicity Huffman


Bradley Cooper

Eva Longoria Parker


The research also revealed that 57% of adults find it hard to stick to a keep-fit regime whilst away from home due to lack of facilities. Forty cent of Britons said they find it very difficult to resume their keep fit regime after they have been away from home due to the lapse of not exercising and it can take them up to two weeks to get back on track. Eighty seven per cent of respondents surveyed thought it would be a good idea to have a simple-to-follow fitness video in hotel rooms to use when travelling for business or leisure.


In response to these findings, In a UK first, Travelodge has created a free bespoke room workout specifically targeting the body areas Britons hate the most which includes: legs, bums and tums. Designed by personal trainer Marco Mandic, the workout is a series of exercises that can be done without any equipment or special sports gear in any of Travelodge’s 510 hotels.


Customers can either download a free five minute work out video tape at: or a factsheet which details the exercises at:    


Travelodge spokeswoman Shakila Ahmed said, “We are living in a celebrity obsessed culture where image is everything. Our customer feedback and research findings has highlighted Britons want to maintain their fitness regime when away from home. As a low cost operator providing gyms in our hotels is not a viable option therefore we have produced a bespoke room workout which requires no equipment but gives optimum results that our customers can do in their room whilst staying with us and back at home free of charge. It is a win-win solution.”        


Marko Mandic, Personal Trainer and founder of says, ‘The Travelodge Room Work Out targets large muscle groups which is great for overall strength and muscle toning. More lean muscle revs the metabolism, which in turn means more calories are being burnt. Perform these exercises properly, regularly and safely and you will see excellent results.”

Couch potatoes have had their chips

More and more men are being cajoled into losing weight by their fed-up wives, a survey has revealed.


Twenty per cent of men have been told to shed the pounds by women who are no longer prepared to put up with husbands who blame middle-aged spread as a get-out to staying trim.


Yet only half as many women have slimmed down under pressure from their spouses.


The survey of 2,000 men and women conducted by weight management company LighterLife, also revealed that 64 per cent of women diet for their own self-esteem, while only 42 per cent of men slim for the same reason.


And flying in the face of accepted logic, men do not lose weight to lure their partners into bed more often. Only six per cent of men admitted to dieting to improve their performance between the sheets, while 16 per cent of women said they do see weight loss as an aphrodisiac.


Mandy Cassidy, Psychological Director of LighterLife, said: “What we are seeing here is further evidence that it is women who call the shots at home, in the bedroom and with their own self esteem. They are no longer the junior partner in the relationship. Women know what they want and they go out and get it, whatever their age.


“However, women must be careful not to over-pressurise their partners because our experience is that men will only truly weight if they want to, not because they have been pushed to do it. Many men wake up to the benefit of dieting when they see how their wives have grown in confidence after losing weight – they realise they need to follow suit to keep their marriage on an equal footing.”


Win a 3 month subscription to LivSmarter

With summer here, it’s time for us men to peel off layers of clothing and reveal our bodies for the warmer months ahead. But while millions of the opposite sex have been dieting and heading to the gym, we are now rivaling them when it comes to getting in shape for beach season.

So to help out men across the country we’ve teamed up with LivSmarter, who are backed by celebrities such as John Thompson, and have brand new weight loss plans that have been created for men by men.

LivSmarter’s team of experts put together no-nonsense and discreet programmes that can help men get the results they want for the summer months.

Enter our competition to help you get the shape you want with a three month subscription to LivSmarter.

Q. Which of these are you most likely to find in a gym?

A. Cross Trainer

B. Van

C. A Horse

Comment below or Tweet your answer to @Frostmag

FucoCai Review

I don’t really believe in diet pills and have never taken any but I am a big fan of natural remedies. So when I got some FucoCai to review I put my skepticism aside and decided to give it a go.

New Zealand superfoods specialists, Lifestream, have launched FucoCai for weight management. Billed as a ‘new super supplement to help make achieving the perfect, bulge-free bikini body that little bit easier’.

Lifestream call FucoCai ‘a unique blend of two botanicals that are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants vital to help protect the body against free radical damage caused by modern living. Additionally, together with a healthy diet and lifestyle, Lifestream FucoCai can help to support weight management’

So I started taking them. After a week I notice a difference to my skin. Many people tell me I am ‘glowing’. The tone of my skin improves, I feel I have more energy and some scars seem less prominent. I exercise while taking the pills by doing the Tracey Anderson method, but only three times a week for an hour (you are supposed to so 2 hours 6 days a week).

I do notice a difference while taking the pills. In fact I lost eight pounds in total. Would I have lost this weight anyway? I actually don’t think so. I put weight on when I was doing a film and found the last stone quite difficult to get rid of. I am also an apple, which means when I put weight on it goes to my stomach, so that is where I could not get rid of the weight, and most of it was gone by the time the pills ran out. And the last was gone thanks to my Zaggora hotpants. So how do they work?

They are packed with the plant carotenoid Fucoxanthin and naturally rich in iodine, a nutrient thought to be effective in normalising thyroid function and energy-yielding metabolism*. Lifestream FucoCai has been specifically formulated to help users achieve a healthy weight, and contains:

Laminaria Japonica (kombu) – a seaweed native to Japan, Kombu contains the active mineral Fucoxanthin which studies suggest could help support weight management** boost the metabolism and may help to support balanced blood sugar levels. In water, kombu also forms a thick gel enabling it to function as a bulking agent to enhance bowel regularity

Acai berries – organically grown in Brazil, the super berry Acai boasts antioxidant capabilities greater than that of other berries such as cranberry, raspberry and blueberry. Naturally rich in flavonoids and polyphenols and bursting with vitamins and minerals, acai is particularly useful for those putting their bodies through the rigours of a new health and fitness regime.

Fucoxanthin is thought to be one of the most exciting natural compounds discovered to date in the fight against obesity. The carotenoid gained notoriety when a group of Japanese marine biologists discovered that it could help white fat cells mimic the thermogenic behaviour of brown fat cells, ultimately resulting in a safe increase in metabolic rate and fat burning in the use ***.

Since then, studies have identified Fucoxanthin as a critical adjunct in enabling a controlled diet and increased level of physical activity to produce meaningful fat loss, even in ageing humans who as a result of reduced metabolic rate can find weight management a challenge.

Formulated without artificial additives, preservatives, colours or flavours, Lifestream FucoCai is vegan, and free from gluten, dairy, yeast, nuts and other allergens.

Lifestream FucoCai is available from all good health food stores, and online at, and costs £24.75 (RRP) for 90 vegetarian capsules (one month’s supply). For further information, visit

Five Pair of Zaggora Hotpants To Give-Away!

Frost Magazine has teamed up with the Zagorra to give-away five pairs of Zaggora Hotpants! Frost’s editor, Catherine, recently tried them and they work. All you have to do is subscribe to the Frost Magazine newsletter or follow @Frostmag on twitter and tweet ‘I want Zaggora Hotpants @Frostmag’. Good luck!

In preparation for sun, sand and sea, Zaggora announces the launch of its colourful new Viva Hotpants which accentuate the body and help it to burn more calories, with weight loss 4 x greater* when worn during exercise.

The new range will help you create a slimmer body so you can enjoy reaching the beach and exposing yourself with confidence.

In July 2011, Zaggora launched Hotpants to the world with huge success – to date selling over 400,000 pairs. The concept is focused on harnessing body heat which stimulates calorie burning and helps to reduce cellulite. Zaggora has now expanded its range of technology-advanced active wear to give workouts in Summer 2012 more punch.

The new Viva Hotpants include five, new and bright colour leggings with contrasting seams ending just below the knee. Viva’s new cut have a curved seam construction that is narrower at the back, widens around the bottom and then narrows in on the thighs to accentuate the body shape, slim the thighs and create a flattering silhouette.

Like the original Hotpants and the rest of the Zaggora range, Viva Hotpants target the thighs, stomach and bottom with the ability for women to lose 2 jean sizes in 2 weeks, as reported by thousands of women at

Dessi Bell, Founder of Zaggora and the brain behind the product’s advanced technology, comments

“We’re so excited to launch this limited edition colourful range. Viva Hotpants are brighter and better than our original, with a more comfortable fit but just as effective at reducing cellulite and waist inches. It’s going to be a Viva summer!”

How Zaggora products work:

By increasing perspiration during workouts, Viva Hotpants follow the same concept as Hotpants, helping you get more out of your time and effort, burning more calories and creating smoother legs. They were made to fit into every woman’s lifestyle no matter how busy you are and can be worn whilst at the gym, on your lunch run or at home.

 Scientific studies show Weight loss is FOUR TIMES GREATER in Hotpants

 Hotpants increase the energy expenditure during exercise

 Hotpants increase energy expenditure in the resting stage after exercise by 16%

 The core temperature in Hotpants increased by an average of 18% compared to the control

 Thermal sensation was significantly greater but safe in Hotpants

*Research from the Chelsea School of Sport at Brighton University

Deemed the celebrity’s ‘secret weapon’, loved by the likes of Tess Daly, The Saturdays, Holly Willoughby, Fearne Cotton, Holly Valance and many more, the super comfortable ‘magic pants’ have become an essential ‘must-have’ accessory for every woman.

The new products were officially available for pre-order to the Zaggora Facebook community of over 218,000 fans on Thursday 3rd May. Available to pre-order purchase from on the 3rd May, price £50.00.

How Does Zaggora work?

All Zaggora products are specially designed with Celu‐Lite™ technology which increases core body temperature while being active leading to increase in calorific expenditure during and after working out as well as short term weight loss immediately following working out. The Celu-lite technology has specifically designed lining which insulates and increases heat generation during working out to deliver better results in the short and long term.

Does making you sweat mean you burn more calories?

What makes you burn more calories is the raised body temperature which is also the reason for the increased sweat generation. Zaggora’s advanced technology safely raises body temperature during physical exercise, making you sweat, which is a sign the body has to work harder and increases metabolic rate during and after exercise.

Zaggora products make you sweat – does this mean you are only losing water?

The short term weight loss immediately following your workout is water loss indeed. However, the fact that the metabolic rate goes up during and after exercise means that in the long term your body burns more calories which means you get real and long lasting results.

What underwear should you use with Zaggora products?

Personal preference is obviously key however as with any form of physical activity it is advised that you wear cotton underwear to help the skin breathe.

Can working out with Zaggora products cause de-hydration?

With any form of exercise it’s really important that you keep your body hydrated to restore moisture lost through perspiration. Due to the increase in body temperature and sweating whilst wearing Zaggora products it’s particularly important that you drink water in regular intervals before, during and after physical activity.

Do you have male products? Why not?

Unfortunately not at the moment, however we are in the process of developing a specific male Zaggora range. Currently Zaggora products are not suitable for men as the bodies core temperature is greatly increased during exercise while using Zaggora products (+0.93 degrees centigrade) compared to a standard garment ( +0.78) which means there is potential risk to the male genitals. Watch this space – male products will be coming soon.

Can Zaggora products cause bacteria from the heat?

Zaggora products promote good a detox for the body and increase your body temperature. If not used in an hygienic way however, they can cause a buildup in bacteria, so it’s important that you wash them as directed on the products care instructions after each use. If you are prone to yeast infections, we advise that you don’t wear Zaggora products for a long period of time.

When should I wear my Zaggora products?

Zaggora products were made to fit into every woman’s lifestyle no matter how busy they are and can be worn under your clothes at work, whilst at the gym or at home. There is also now a pair of nude HotPants so you can burn calories while wearing your favorite frock and no one will notice!

Can I sleep in my Zaggora products?

The best results from Zaggora products are achieved when doing physical activity therefore we wouldn’t recommend sleeping in your products as you wouldn’t notice a difference and we believe it is best to let your skin breathe through the night.