The 5:2 diet really took off last year and is still huge. If you have been living under a rock and don’t know what it is: you eat normally for 5 days a week and then the other two days you fast, having 500 calories if you are female, or 600 if you are male. …
Tag: what to eat
Nov 01
New Study Highlights Crucial Role of Red Meat in Plugging The Nutrition Gap
Millions of people in the UK are putting their health at risk because of inadequate intakes of vital vitamins and minerals, a new study has revealed. But the research also highlights just how important the role of red meat is in the diet in helping to cover this nutrition gap. Meat has been a …
Sep 03
Time To Give Up Sugar? Mentor Me Off Sugar Day 28: It’s Over!
Well, I have finished. At midnight on Sunday I was no longer on a low/no sugar diet. Did I binge? No and I am as proud of that as I am of doing the programme. I cannot believe I got all the way to the end. Yesterday I had some tea with sugar. One with …