Out of all of the things you can do to look younger, whitening your teeth is one of the most important. It takes years off you. Teeth whitening can be expensive though, and scary. I have heard stories in the past of people burning away their gums. Thankfully these are now a thing of the past. The UK’s First Complete DIY Teeth Whitening System, Luster Pro Light has been released. Let’s find out if it works.

It uses the same paint-on whitening gel and Dual-Action ‘blue light’ technology that is used by dentists. Luster Pro Light does work and it also did not upset my sensitive teeth. It is clinically proven to be safe and effective which I was glad to read before I used it. I am always very cautious before I use anything. It can be a little bit of a pain pretreating with whitening solution, brushing and then applying the dual-action whitening. The ready-to-use trays which you put in your mouth are not exactly comfortable but this is all small fry and a minimal amount of effort that you can do in the comfort of your own home.
The treatment really does work. You can even use the rapid schedule and get results in 30 minutes. I will definitely use this again for top ups. Already a best-seller and close to becoming the No. 1 teeth whitening system in America where it first went on sale, this is good stuff indeed.
£49.99 from Boots.com or Boots.