Taking Small Steps To Improve Your Health

Many of us whose waistline is on an expansion mission know there are simple solutions to rein in weight gain. In many cases, a healthy lifestyle is seen as being too much effort, but the truth is that just a few small changes to lifestyle and diet can see a massive difference to health and wellbeing and in most cases you will hardly notice a difference to daily routine.

health, health tips


Why is it important to stay healthy?


Eating properly and having the right amount of exercise are key to your ability to fight off illness and disease.  The immune system needs the right amount of nutrients to remain strong in order to work efficiently, but it is also hampered when you are overweight and out of shape.  Additional factors to consider if you want to improve your health include the damaging effects of smoking and alcohol consumption.  Both of these can lead to illness and also reduce the effectiveness of your immune system.


A healthy diet


Following a healthy diet will mean that you are providing your body with all the nutrients that you need to stay in good health.  With plenty of fruit and vegetables in your diet it will be much easier to get the right nutrients.  The recommended daily amount is around five portions a day, but some scientists are now recommending that people extend this to seven portions a day, with just two of those as fruit.  However, if you are one of those people who rarely eats fresh fruit and vegetables, the first step is to include just some each day.  Over time, you can build this up to the right amount.


In addition to fresh fruit and vegetables, it is a good idea to make a few swaps so that your unhealthy choices are suddenly much better for you.  One example is fries.  Replace these with jacket or boiled potatoes and you will cut your fat intake dramatically.  White bread can be swapped for wholegrain and you can opt for brown versions of rice and pasta instead of the standard white.


For some it can be difficult to get the balance right, particularly if there are underlying health issues.  Herbal and nutritional supplements can be useful here.  A good multivitamin can help to redress the balance, but you can also incorporate herbal teas as an easy way to add the benefits of herbs to your diet.  Jasmine Tea, for example, is considered to be very calming and perfect for those who suffer from stress and anxiety, both of which can have a negative effect on health.


Don’t forget exercise!


Finally, make sure that you get regular exercise.  The jury is still out on just how much exercise a person needs but the good news is that you only have to go for a good walk a few times a week to see a difference.  Exercise does not have to be hard work or boring – take up cycling with the family or even try something like ballroom dancing.  You will be having so much fun you might not even notice the pounds and inches slipping away!