Tag: wife

Christmas Gift List For The Fashion Lover

We have a beautiful selection for the fashion lover in your life. Clockwise from left: Gorgeous Firetrap Tiger T-shirt is an excellent gift for a girlfriend or sister. It fits very well and the material is gorgeous, very soft and of high quality. http://store.firetrap.com This gorgeous blue lace shirt from Closet is stunning. The high collar …

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Christmas Gift List For The Woman In Your Life

The woman in your life can be hard to buy for so we have tried to include a few different suggestions. All are top quality and were fun to review. 100% Natural Australian Jojoba From The Jojoba Company. This is a brilliant multi-tasking product and the bottle is gorgeous. Something of a miracle product, it …

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10 Little Known Facts About Dickens

The Charles Dickens Museum has put some great Dickens facts together for us in conjunction with the release of The Invisible Woman which is out on DVD now. . Enjoy. Dickens was extremely fond of his sister in law, Mary Hogarth, who was 15 at the time they first met. Mary died, aged 17, in …

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Actor Timothy West Reveals Wife Prunella Scales’ Dementia

Very sad news. It’s been reported today that the actress Prunella Scales, best known for her role as Sybil in Fawlty Towers, is living with Alzheimer’s disease. Her husband, actor Timothy West, revealed the couple’s battle with the condition as part of a documentary, Grand Canal Journeys, which is due to be screened on More4. …

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Sir David Frost Dies Aged 74

Legendary journalist and broadcaster Sir David Frost has died aged 74 after giving a speech aboard the Queen Elizabeth cruise ship. Sir David was famous for his political interviews, including the time he challenged US President Richard Nixon about Watergate. The episode was later made into a film, Frost/Nixon. Sir David was born in 1939 …

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Couch potatoes have had their chips

More and more men are being cajoled into losing weight by their fed-up wives, a survey has revealed.   Twenty per cent of men have been told to shed the pounds by women who are no longer prepared to put up with husbands who blame middle-aged spread as a get-out to staying trim.   Yet …

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New Film 'Bubbles' Paves Way For Women In Film

Following on from Bridesmaids, a new film written and directed by women, lead role is a women and a high proportion of women on the crew. The shape of things to come? Let’s hope. Here is all you need to know about Bubbles. The Director Leyla Pope comes from a professional background in communications working …

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Frost Magazine