Tag: working from home

Ways remote work is reshaping how tech companies operate

Let’s admit it; no one could have truly predicted what the world is currently dealing with due to the effects of COVID-19. The pandemic struck fast and hard and caught all of us off-guard. For tech companies and most other businesses, that meant one thing; it was time to adapt (and do so quickly) or …

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Working from home – workstation tips

For many people, working from home has become a normal part of everyday life. Whereas the initial transition into home working typically meant sitting at the kitchen table or typing from the sofa, we’ve all been working from home for so long now that whole spare rooms or corners of bedrooms have necessarily become makeshift …

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MumsThread: On The Importance of Work When You Become a Mother

working mothers, working mum, freelance, self employed, mothers, mumsthread, babies, feminism, sexism,

Out of all of the truisms, few are more true as when you choose a job, you choose a lifestyle. This was never more true when I first became an actor many moons ago (at one point I had three survival jobs. A day one, an evening one and a weekend one), or when I had a corporate job …

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Work From Home Week 2015 – 19th to 25th January

As someone who works from home I can vouch for its good points and its bad ones. Mostly it is great, offering flexibility and the chance to work to the best of your potential. No nasty commute needed so it is good for your bank account and the environment too. In fact, this is Work …

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The Rise of The Mumpreneur: Two Thirds Of Mums Consider Launching a Business From Home

Two thirds of mums (65 per cent) with children under ten years of age are considering starting a business from home in the next three years One in six (16 per cent)are motivated by the childcare costs attached to traditional nine-to-five jobs Nearly half of mums (49 per cent) believe that they would be financially …

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Late For Work? No Worries

Wave goodbye to the nine-to-five worker Being late is fine with the boss, thanks to smart technology   The majority of global bosses are happy for staff to turn up late for work, according to new research by the world’s most trusted online back-up service, Mozy®.  Mobile technology, including smartphone apps and cloud services, now …

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